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Last Updated:
2015-4-9 20:28

Amazon-Only $25.99 Etekcity® 5 Pack Auto-programmable Function Wireless Remote Control Outlet Switch (Battery included) ZAP 5L: Newest/smaller version with a 100ft range. It's the first version allowing you to program each button. One remote can match more outlets, and you can program additional remotes to each outlet easily. Great for the immobile (people with disabilities, etc.) Works through doors, floors and walls. Easy home automation. Great for lamps, lights, power strips and appliance

Amazon-Only $25.99 Etekcity® 5 Pack Auto-programmable Function Wireless Remote Control Outlet Switch (Battery included) ZAP 5L: Newest/smaller version with a 100ft range. It's the first version allowing you to program each button. One remote can match more outlets, and you can program additional remotes to each outlet easily. Great for the immobile (people with disabilities, etc.) Works through doors, floors and walls. Easy home automation. Great for lamps, lights, power strips and appliance

Amazon offers Only $25.99 Etekcity® 5 Pack Auto-programmable Function Wireless Remote Control Outlet Switch (Battery included) ZAP 5L: Newest/smaller version with a 100ft range. It's the first version allowing you to program each button. One remote can match more outlets, and you can program additional remotes to each outlet easily. Great for the immobile (people with disabilities, etc.) Works through doors, floors and walls. Easy home automation. Great for lamps, lights, power strips and appliance via coupon code:"OFF9938U" [ Shop Now ]

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