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Last Updated:
2024-6-24 12:11

Ddrops Baby 400 IU, 90 drops 2.5mL (0.08 fl.oz) , only $13.36

Ddrops Baby 400 IU, 90 drops 2.5mL (0.08 fl.oz) , only $13.36

Ddrops Baby 400 IU, 90 drops 2.5mL (0.08 fl.oz) , only $13.36 

Baby Ddrops 400 IU is specifically designed to support breast-fed babies. One purified drop of Baby Ddrops contains 400 IU of vitamin D₃, without any other chemicals, nor additives. The one drop can be easliy added to food or drink, or taken off any clean surface (i.e spoon). The recent American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) also states that infants and children, including adolescents who do not obtain 400 IU/day of vitamin D through fortified milk (100 IU per 250mL serving) or through vitamin D-fortified foods (such as fortified cereals, eggs, fish) should receive a vitamin D supplement of 400IU/day. [ Shop Now ]

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